
Photo Assignment

I had the pleasure of being able to shadow local artist and business owner Cate Webb while she tattooed one of her favourite clients. Cate walked me through her process of hand-poking, a tattoo medium that is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. Take a look at my photo essay to see how she does it!

Connected, but alone?

After watching the TedTalks video “Connected, but alone?”, I found that the speaker Sherry Turkle made some very good points on how using the internet or technology can isolate us. I have noticed in the last 10-15 years, which is about the same amount of time I have had a cell phone, I feel less connected to everyone around me. I will spend hours each day checking up on my friends, replying to short messages with less thought than a real-life conversation, scrolling through my feed. I try to stay present in social situations but it takes a lot of care. It is too easy to zone out of life and feel mildly accomplished by liking your friend’s photos or commenting a goofy emoji.